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"I am going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life.” While those are the words of Elsie de Wolfe, an American actress and interior designer in the early 1900s, they also represent the reason we sister duo Nona and Punya Anand opened their own brand of accessories, called The Peach Street.
As a self-taught artist who creates everything from crochet bags to keychains, Nona found it difficult to balance a regular job, her hobbies and her family life. So she chose the two which were most important to her, her family and her art. After attempting to run the corporate rat race for almost a
decade, Punya realised there was something missing. A big part of her felt unfulfilled and she looked at her artistic side for fulfilment.
It was then that we realised that we had something greater on our hands. Something that bound us closer than we already are. The Peach Street was on its way. Currently focusing on hair and children's accessories, with a bit of home decor accessories thrown in. The Peach Street hopes to move into the lifestyle design space, with their USP being Fun, Colourful and Handmade at everything they do.